We closely observe the current world situation of post pandemic that left economic as well as social problems as additional to the world’s existing problems caused by climate change and international conflicts, the MUI (Majelis Ulama Indonesia / the Indonesian Ulema Council) would like to organize an international conference to modestly contribute to find world peace, including peace among religions and civilizations. Therefore, our conference offers a general theme “Religion, Peace and Civilization”, to be held in Jakarta, on 21-23 May 2023.

By adopting that general theme, we sincerely hope that our conference would discuss a number of related but timely topics, such as (1) patterns of transformational religiosity; (2) dimensions of civilization and their contributions to the world peace; (3) middle path approaches to achieve world peace based on religious noble values, (4) concepts of tolerant in exercising diversity in religion and civilization; and (5) models of Islamic moderation to promote peace and civilization.

In this regard, we have the honor further to extend our invitation to you to participate in this conference, both as seed speaker or discussant. Attached herewith information regarding topics of discussion, requirements for conference paper, registration fees, conference schedule, and participation confirmation form. Whilst on detailed agenda, discussion guide as well as administrative arrangements will be informed in due course.

We kindly expect that your participation confirmation would be informed to us not later than April 1, 2023, whilst your final conference paper should be sent to us not later than May 5, 2023. Should you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Conference Topics:

  1. Transformational religiosity
  2. Middle path principles of religious teaching and implementation of moderation as solution to
    create peace for human lives and world civilization
  3. Develop a reconciliation curriculum for religiosity
  4. Interfaith dialogue and cooperation to response humanitarian crisis due to the lack of security and
    destruction of ecological structure that leads to environmental crises
  5. Religious approach to resolve religious conflicts due to misunderstanding or misuse of religions
    that stimulated by intolerant behaviour
  6. The politicization of religion and its threat to peace
  7. Contribution of adherents of religion to the development of their respective civilization
  8. Digitalization of religious teaching, between hope and challenges
  9. Making religion a commodity and its threat to peace

Requirements for Conference Paper:

  1. Font sizes for writing in Arabic (14), in English (12), and footnotes (11).
  2. On Windows systems, Traditional Arabic for text in Arabic and Times New Roman for English.
    Margins are 2.5 cm on four sides of the page, and the total length of paper is between (10) to (15)
  3. Write at the top of the first page: paper title, author’s name and email address.
  4. Attach a short CV and a passport size picture.
  5. At the last part of paper, there must be points of recommendation.
  6. All papers are submitted to arbitration according to academic conditions.
  7. Abstracts and final paper as well as a short CV and picture shall be sent by email to:

Participation Fees:

  • Indonesian Participants: Rp. 750.000,- (seven hundred and fifty thousand Rupiah), this fee is for participation registration and conference kit, transportation from hotel to conference venue, meals during the conference and three (3) nights accommodation from 21 – 23 May 2023.
  • Foreign Participants: $250.00 (two hundred and fifty US Dollar). This fee is for participation registration, conference kit, join discussion group, transportation hotel – conference venue vv, meals during the conference, and three (3) nights accommodation from 21-23 May 2023.

Payment of the Committee Payment Account BSI (Bank Syariah Indonesia) a/c: 1019188564 an. Majelis Ulama Indonesia

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